
(10) HIGH-RESOLUTION Vernon, K. L.; Pungsrisai, T.; Wahab, O. J.; Alden, S. E.; Zhong, Y.; Choi, M.-H.; Verma, E.; Bentley, A. K.; Bailey, K. O.; Skrabalak, S. E.; Ye, X.; Willets, K. A.*; Baker, L. A.* “Optically Transparent Carbon Electrodes for Single Entity Electrochemistry” ACS Electrochemistry, 2025, 1, 93-102.

(9) HIGH-THROUGHPUT Miller, L. M.; Young, T. W.; Wang, Y.; Draper, B. E.; Ye, X.; Jacobson, S. C.;* Jarrold, M. F.* “Complementary Nanoparticle Characterization by Resistive-Pulse Sensing, Electron Microscopy, and Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry” Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, 14239-14247..

(8) BROADER IMPACTS/INFORMAL SCIENCE COMMUNICATION Kar, N.; Huang, C.; Sridhar, S.; Edwards, M. E.; Ghosh, S.; Nikolov, M. E.; Paranzino, B.; Yan, X.; Willets, K. A.; Ye, X.; Skrabalak, S. E.* “Magnifying Minds: Exploring the Concepts of Size and Scale with a Public Mural and Integrated Activities” Journal of Chemical Education, 2024, 101, 3556-3563..

(7) HIGH-THROUGHPUT O’Dell, Z.; Knobeloch, M.; Skrabalak, S. E.*; Willets, K. A.* “High-throughput All-optical Determination of Nanorod Size and Orientation” Nano Letters, 2024, 24, 7269-7275.

(6) HIGH-RESOLUTION/HIGH-THROUGHPUT Zhang, L.; Wahab, O. J.; Jallow, A. A.; O’Dell Z. J.; Pungsrisai, T.; Sridhar, S.; Vernon, K. L.; Willets, K. A.*; Baker, L. A.* “Recent Developments in Single-Entity Electrochemistry” Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, 8036-8055.

(5) HIGH-THROUGHPUT Kulesa, K. M.; Hirtzel, E. A.; Nguyen, V. T.; Freitas, D. P.; Edwards, M. E.; Yan, X.;* Baker, L. A.* “Interfacing High-Throughput Electrosynthesis and Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Azines” Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 96, 8249-8253.

(4) HIGH-THROUGHPUT/HIGH-RESOLUTION Verma, E.; Choi, M.-H.; Kar, N.; Baker, L. A.; Skrabalak, S. E.* “Bridging Colloidal and Electrochemical Syntheses of Metal Nanocrystals with Seeded Electrodeposition for Tracking Single-Nanocrystal Growth” Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 8002-8012.

(3) HIGH-THROUGHPUT Personick, M. L.;* Jallow, A. A.; Halford, G. C.; Baker, L. A.* “Nanomaterials Synthesis Discovery via Parallel Electrochemical Deposition” Chemistry of Materials, 2024, 36, 3034-3041.

(2) HIGH-THROUGHPUT Gerroll, B. H. R.; Kulesa, K. M.; Ault, C. A.; Baker, L. A.* “Legion: An Instrument for High-Throughput Electrochemistry” ACS Measurement Science Au, 2023, 3, 371-379.

(1) HIGH-RESOLUTION Googasian, J. S.; Skrabalak, S. E.* “Practical Considerations for Simulating the Plasmonic Properties of Metal Nanoparticles” ACS Physical Chemistry Au, 2023, 3, 252-262.

Figure 1